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Subscriptions & payments

Your subscriptions can be managed under your preferences and settings. Click your avatar and navigate to "My subscriptions". From there you can see your active subscriptions on top, and other subscriptions (that you are not subscribed to) at the bottom. Clicking the - button on the right will unsubscribe you from the service.
Here is a video
If you have any issues with unwanted subscriptions, please contact our service desk! You can find their details under our contact page.

My Profile

You can change your avatar and change your username. To do this you need to go to your profile (click on your avatar) and press "Edit profile"
Sure if you really want that. But why? You can't play these lovely games anymore! Only kidding, sometimes people move on to other things. We take privacy very seriously, so under the Privacy section we've given the option to send a us a request to be forgotten.

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